I’m Halle Von, and I have this huge fantasy about having my anal virginity taken by my best friend Dakota (James)…….And the only reason that I’m willing to try this is because I trust her…….I know she hasn’t done it before either so, it could be really hot. I’m not sure how you’re supposed to start it out, but I’m guessing I just start licking her asshole……..Then Maybe I can start sticking a few of my fingers in once they’re lubed up…….I also bought these really cute toys that I think she’ll really enjoy. I know I’m gonna have to be very gentle since it’s her first time so I’m probably gonna end up taking it really slow…….That’s my fantasy of having my first time anal with my best friend Halle…….Dakota’s my best friend so I know that I can trust her. And that’s my fantasy, wont that be hot?
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Dakota James / Halle Von
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